Classical Music My Kids Enjoy

This blog contains CDs along with a few DVDs and books that coincide with my toddlers' favorite classical music. Much of their music appreciation has come from watching the Little Einsteins on Playhouse Disney.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Beethoven has been a favorite of my toddler for a long time. He gave mixed reviews to most of the Baby Einstein DVD collection but still loves Baby Beethoven to this day.

We have encountered Beethoven twice during our viewing of the Little Einsteins.

  • Fur Elise is used in 1-15: The Christmas Wish.

  • Ode to Joy is used in Disney's Little Einsteins - Our Big Huge Adventure movie.

    My favorite renditions of Beethoven are on the soundtrack to Immortal Beloved this is a great movie for music lovers, but not for small children.

    The Soundtrack

    Special Edition DVD

    For kids (6-18 months). I found it very helpful to turn this on while trying to feed the baby, it provided just the right amount of distraction and stimulation.

    This movie is only 61 minutes, but can feel quite long to a toddler. I recommend dividing it into 3 viewings.


    Blogger Monarch said...

    Thank you so much for the list of all the little einsteins music. I would love a CD all ready made with all the classical music. I don't know why theres not one out there. Thank again.

    3:00 PM  

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